Community Projects

EHA has 19 hospitals and 50 community health projects serving the poor and marginalized across North India. This region of the country is the least developed and has the greatest need for improved medical care. EHA cares through the provision of excellent healthcare and by empowering communities through health and development programs.

To learn more about a specific project, click a link below.


By assisting their local communities in obtaining the resources they need, EHA project staff help transform lives.

Anugrah Project

Herbertpur Christian Hospital’s flagship community outreach project serves disabled persons.

Children at Risk

EHA helps India’s children as they face numerous difficulties—poverty, lack of food, lack of education, and excessive labor.


EHA community projects help local economies through entrepreneur sponsorship and livelihood training.


Misconceptions about disabled individuals abound in India; EHA community projects work to tear down those walls.

Disaster Management and Mitigation

EHA’s disaster team provides relief to people affected by natural disasters as well as builds the capacity and resilience of communities and individuals.


By helping local children obtain a quality education, many community projects ensure progress in stemming the tide of illiteracy.


Public health projects help preempt preventable diseases and improve sanitation in impoverished villages.

Mental Health

EHA’s hospitals offer care for people with mental health disorders, seeking those who need help and walking alongside them as they receive treatment.


Hundreds of thousands of Indians struggle to obtain the basic nutrition they need. EHA works to fight that.

Palliative Care

Palliative (hospice) care focuses on relieving pain and suffering for those with life-limiting illnesses.

Shalom Delhi Project

Begun in 2001, Shalom Delhi is a health project that provides care and support to those touched by HIV/AIDS or cancer.


Read about the experiences of overseas visitors to EHA facilities and doctors who serve in EHA hospitals and communities.