Life Possessions Ruined in a Flood

Molly lives with her granddaughter in the Alappuzha District of Kerala. Recently, one of her neighbors came running to warn her that there was a red alert for heaving flooding in their area. She was told to move quickly to the relief camps near the school. No one was available to help her gather her household goods to keep them safe. So Molly took her granddaughter and her purse with 324 rupees ($4) in it, and ran to safety as the road and her home were beginning to flood.

They stayed in the relief camp for three days. When it was safe to return home, Molly was dismayed to see that everything in her simple home was completely ruined. She had no food, beds, or clothing, and the house was covered in mud. That night Molly and her granddaughter slept on the floor with only a plastic sheet, and the floor was so cold her granddaughter ended up sick and spent two days in the hospital.

Into this dire situation, EHA brought help. Even though all of EHA’s hospitals are in the north of India, the disaster team mobilized and traveled to Kerala in the southern tip of India. There, they provided much-needed relief to families affected by the flood. The team gave Molly and her granddaughter enough dry goods to feed them for three weeks. This food was all they had, but it provided solid nutrition to help them move forward and begin rebuilding their lives.