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Medical Professionals – EHA needs you!

Short-Term Missions

EHA welcomes the expertise of medical professionals from other countries. If you’d like to serve a short term (two weeks to two months or more) in a medical facility in India, be sure to let us know. We’d be eager to work with you to arrange the kind of professional experience that could possibly change your life.

We have an ongoing need for qualified individuals to serve as:

  • Family practice physicians with teaching (resident) experience to assist in the training of junior Indian doctors to prepare them for medical mission service. A one-month to two-year term of service is required.
  • Surgeons to work alongside Indian colleagues and possibly provide training in a skill area such as laparoscopy or urologic surgery. Surgical support for a short-term stint also helps cover while Indian surgeons are away on vacation.  A service term of two to four weeks is needed.
  • OB/Gyns—especially female (Indian women prefer female doctors) and those prepared to do gynecological surgery—again this helps to cover for doctors on vacation.
  • Church and community representatives to help promote EHA
  • Communications professionals—writers, editors, graphic designers, videographers
  • Researchers willing to identify foundation and other funding sources
  • Website maintenance experts

Double Your Practice

When you consider that a full-time salary for a senior medical missionary in an EHA hospital in rural North India is approximately $9,000 per year, and the support figure to send a US-based medical missionary and family to India could easily cost 8 to 10 times that amount, it only makes sense to think about sponsoring an EHA doctor.

Just think what a difference you and some of your colleagues could make if you joined together and supported one of EHA’s 200+ doctors. Your practice could double overnight!

Whether you’re a physician or not, you could help reach literally thousands of needy Indian villagers with quality medical care, simply by supporting EHA (USA)’s “Doctor Support” fund.  Your gifts will be applied to the salary of the senior doctor in an EHA hospital, thus freeing up other funds for ministry expansion.

Contact us for more information at 847.345.8355 or at

Contact us for more information at 847.345.8355 or at

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