About Us

Help us help India…today!

The History of the Emmanuel Hospital Association

In the first six decades after the turn of the century, many medical clinics and hospitals were begun in India by European missionaries. Then, in the twenty years between 1950 and 1970, there was a large scale exodus of these medical pioneers, leaving many medical missions and churches in a crisis of leadership.

It was at this time that the idea of a federation of mission hospitals came into being. In 1969, the Emmanuel Hospital Association was officially formed and registered. Over the years, EHA has grown to be a medical missionary movement and a fellowship of health professionals, committed to bringing wholeness of life to the marginalized members of the varied communities in which they serve.


EHA is now the largest Christian non-governmental provider of healthcare in India, with 20 hospitals and more than 40 community-based projects in 14 states of India. Their staff help transform the lives of poor and underprivileged people in the rural areas of North, Northeast, and Central India.

I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was sick and you visited me,
I was in prison and you came to me…
…as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

EHA serves people and communities, regardless of race, caste, creed, gender, ethnic background, or religious belief. The approach of EHA integrates essential clinical services and primary healthcare with community-level engagement in order to address the health and development needs of people in rural and semi-urban areas. EHA works in partnership with churches, governments, community based organizations, and non-governmental organizations to deliver their services effectively and efficiently.

The History of EHA USA

As a young man growing up in Canada, Howard Searle was moved to study medicine with the goal of serving in medical missions and helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the neglected countries of the developing world.

For fourteen years, he lived and worked in India and Bangladesh among some of the poorest people on earth. Dr. Searle was instrumental in the formation of the Emmanuel Hospital Association in India, and he understood the critical need to transition the organization to Indian leadership, which was accomplished in 1974.

Back in the U.S. after retirement, he formed EHA USA in 1996 as a means to support the work of EHA in India. EHA USA’s goals for the ministry in India are to build awareness, prayer support, and financial resources for EHA, enabling their staff to more effectively address the health-related needs of poor and marginalized Indians, and in that process, earn the opportunity to share the good news of eternal healing.


Robb Hansen serves as executive director of the Emmanuel Hospital Association – USA. Raised in the Chicago area, he has spent his entire career in administration and leadership with nonprofit organizations. His experiences include leading short-term mission efforts designed to expose US young adults to possible mission careers, local church service, and Christian media ministry. As US executive director for EHA USA, Robb leads fund development efforts for EHA’s extensive work across North India. He interfaces regularly with medical mission leadership personnel around the US, and seeks to promote EHA’s work through the radio, at conferences, and online. His responsibilities have taken him to North India multiple times to visit EHA projects and hospitals. Robb is passionate about helping to address the needs of the poor in North India from a Christian viewpoint, and loves the process of educating and mobilizing fellow believers to do the same.

To learn more about EHA and its work, email Robb at rhansen@ehausa.org.

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