
BMCH Must Upgrade Nursing School

The Indian Nursing Council has decreed that all General Nursing and Midwifery Schools should upgrade to Colleges of Nursing by 2021. This involves not only changes in the academic requirements of each school, but also significant facility requirements.

All but one of EHA’s six nursing schools have secured outside funding to help them upgrade their facilities. Only Burrows Memorial Christian Hospital (BMCH) has been unable to raise the money to construct a new building that meets the requirements. They have sought help from the government and other agencies and departments to no avail.

The BMCH nursing school has been in existence since 1953, faithfully instructing a new class of 20 students each year. It is one of the oldest schools of nursing in northeast India, and their region depends on them to train quality nurses who will serve in government hospitals, private hospitals, and medical colleges.

The facility requirement upgrades are steep – a 20,000 sq. ft. building that includes a 2,400 sq. ft. faculty room, a 2,400 sq. ft. library with 3,000 books, and seven different laboratories. Burrows Memorial has worked with an architect to draw up plans for the building, and the estimate is $725,000.

We encourage you to make a donation to the new BMCH College of Nursing building. Checks can be mailed to EHA USA, 215 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Ste. 102, Arlington Heights, IL 60004, or click the button below to donate online. Any amount will help!