Easing Her Way from This World

Aanya was just 47 when she was diagnosed with stomach cancer in September 2022. Knowing what could be ahead, her family members broke down and expressed denial. The palliative care team of Burrows Memorial Christian Hospital (BMCH) visited Aanya at the cancer hospital as she went through surgery and chemotherapy.

A year later Aanya went in for a checkup, and the news wasn’t good. Her condition had deteriorated and she was experiencing infections and fluid retention. The BMCH palliative care team ensured that her symptoms were relieved as much as possible, and helped her family members cope with the situation.

Two months later, Aanya’s family accepted that her time in this world was limited, and the family members supported her in dealing with the side effects of her disease and its treatment. In December 2023, Aanya breathed her last, and her entire family was grateful for the gracious care she had experienced and the guidance they had received from the BMCH palliative care team.