Project Prem Helps Struggling Students

Priya is the youngest of four children, and her family struggled to get by. She had been a part of the Compassion India Project, and then joined Project Prem (“love” in Hindi). One of the many educational efforts of Kachhwa Christian Hospital, Project Prem seeks to help struggling students progress in their education.

Priya experienced difficulties in school, but her studies improved with coaching from Prem staff. Every day, she walked six miles to school and back, the only one of her siblings seeking an education. Next Priya joined Prem’s adolescent group, where she found inspiration and courage through their program. She also learned to love and respect her parents better.

At the end of tenth grade, she overcame her fears and took her exams, unexpectedly earning a score of 81 percent. She plans to become a doctor, and is diligently studying biology toward this goal. Priya is so thankful to Project Prem staff for their support toward her achievement. It has made all the difference for her between not finishing school at all and working toward higher education and a rewarding career.