The Life-Changing Impact of Education

Growing up in a Malto tribe, Arun has led a challenging life. His mother died when he was in second grade. He had to overcome financial hurdles just to finish school. Local hostels provided a refuge for him, and when he was old enough, kind adults directed him to Prem Jyoti Community Hospital (PJCH) for further training.

Since 2017, PJCH has offered vocational diploma courses to local students who cannot afford college but want job training. Students have the option of studying to become a technician in the areas of medical labwork, X-ray services, surgery, or patient care. Arun chose to study for a diploma in medical lab technology (DMLT), the first time this diploma class was offered.

He was an exceptional student and was hired by PJCH immediately upon graduation. Arun has already progressed to become a senior lab tech and has plans for higher education. He is an inspiration to his entire community.

Arun’s journey from poverty and loss to purpose and leadership exemplifies the life-changing impact of education. He is very grateful to PJCH for showing him the way.