Long-Term Care Saves Young Boy’s Leg

Eight-year-old Raja was working in a restaurant with his father when he injured his lower leg. He received minimal treatment before the pandemic hit and forced them to return to their rural village. There was no money for further treatment and his leg continued to worsen.

Raja’s village is one place where Madhipura Christian Hospital operates a health camp. Someone informed the staff that there was a boy whose wound needed dressing. The health team found Raja, isolated and malnourished and with a festering wound on his leg. They dressed his injury but recommended he be brought in to the hospital.

Once there, Raja was diagnosed with a tropical fungal infection called Madura foot, along with severe malnutrition. He was treated for three months at the hospital and then discharged after his mother was taught how to dress the wound. Raja is gaining weight and his leg and foot are slowly healing. Without the quick action and long-term care provided by Madhipura’s medical team, Raja would likely have lost his foot and possibly his life.