Update on Broadwell Christian Hospital

Located in Uttar Pradesh in North-Central India, Broadwell Christian Hospital provides services that focus on the health of mothers and children. They have a 7-bed ICU and a 5-bed High Dependency Unit with 3 ventilators, and their outpatient department sees about 100 patients daily. While their patient numbers have dropped some post-COVID, they still offer various types of care for conditions such as TB and HIV/AIDS.

Their greatest needs are for an ultrasound machine and for funds to complete four more staff apartments. Since COVID, they have only had enough income for salaries and expenses—they’ve had to leave their housing construction project unfinished and are unable to spend money on improvements and new equipment.

Broadwell offers a 2-year medical lab technician course with classes of 8 to 16 students. Sometimes other EHA hospitals sponsor students, and the technicians have no trouble finding jobs after graduation. This training is a great opportunity for young people in the area who have few options for education.

The hospital’s community programs are varied and robust, covering areas such as mental health, disability, adolescent health, and antenatal care. Read the following story about one young woman impacted by Broadwell’s community program.