A New Lease on Life

When EHA palliative care teams go out into the field, they never know what they will find. When the team from Prem Sewa Hospital visited the home of a middle-aged woman with lung cancer, they were glad to see that she was still experiencing great relief from her breathlessness and pain because of the medication the team had provided. It was clear how much the family valued the visits by the team.

This woman has five daughters, and the staff discovered on this visit that one of the teenagers had a severe psychotic disorder for which she had received no evaluation or treatment. This young woman simply roamed the streets, completely unaware of her surroundings, while her family watched helplessly. The nearest place they could have taken her for treatment was four hours away, an impossibility for this impoverished family. The palliative care team was able to examine the girl in her home and prescribe medication for her mental illness. She now has a new lease on life.