Regional Area Coordinator Meetings in Delhi

EHA’s 20 hospitals are located all over rural northern and central India, a vast, poor area. They are divided into 5 regions of approximately 4 hospitals each. The Regional Area Coordinator meeting we attended today was the last of five days’ of meetings, one for each region. We heard presentations from four hospitals in the eastern area, including their financial and patient statistics. The staff from all locations collaborated together, sharing their challenges and their solutions.


The level of dedication of these doctors and administrators is amazing. They are not just doing a job, they are living a life of ministry to the patients who often have nowhere else to go. Their faith causes them to reach out in love to patients who are rejected by other hospitals and it allows them to give significant financial discounts to those who truly cannot pay even the standard fee of $1 for a doctor’s visit. Each of these medical and business professionals could work in industry or in hospitals in the south for a much higher salary, but they choose to serve with EHA as a higher calling.