Palliative Care Teams Bring Hope to Sahana

Sahana is 42 and lives in a village near Chinchpada Christian Hospital. She has two small children, and her caring and supportive husband is a farmer with two acres of land for cultivation. Sahana had a happy and normal life until she fell ill two years ago. She developed a lingering fever and lost a lot of weight.

After seeking treatment at local clinics, she was referred to several hospitals in Mumbai. Despite numerous tests, the cause of her fever remained a mystery, and she returned home dejected and desperately ill. Squeezed dry of their life’s savings, the family could not afford more treatment. When homeopathic drugs and witchcraft failed, someone suggested that they try Chinchpada Christian Hospital.

When Sahana was brought to Chinchpada, she was mostly skin and bones, was unable to move, even in bed, and had a broken spirit. She would weep often and barely spoke or made eye contact. After evaluating her clinically, the staff started her on anti-tuberculous therapy. In light of her extreme sickness and guarded prognosis, she was enrolled in the palliative care program and put on bed rest at home.

The hospital assisted the family with financing her medicines and supported Sahana as she spoke of her feelings of desperation and hopelessness. With each passing week, Sahana’s health began to see improvement. As she ate better, she gained weight, her fever dropped, and she began to walk and become independent in her daily activities. When she came to the hospital for her appointments, she was always wearing a bright smile.

Sahana attended the palliative care support group meeting last month and shared her story joyfully. With tears in her eyes she stood and thanked God for His mercy. All those who heard were blessed by her story.